Svelte Skeleton - Flowbite
The skeleton component can be used as an alternative loading indicator to the spinner by mimicking the content that will be loaded such as text, images, or video
Use the skeleton component to indicate a loading status with placeholder elements that look very similar to the type of content that is being loaded such as paragraphs, images, videos, and more.
Setup #
- Svelte
import { CardPlaceholder, ImagePlaceholder, ListPlaceholder, Skeleton, TestimonialPlaceholder, TextPlaceholder, VideoPlaceholder, WidgetPlaceholder } from 'flowbite-svelte';
Default skeleton #
- Svelte
import { Skeleton } from 'flowbite-svelte';
<Skeleton size="sm" class="my-8" />
<Skeleton size="md" class="my-8" />
<Skeleton size="lg" class="my-8" />
<Skeleton size="xl" class="my-8" />
<Skeleton size="xxl" class="mt-8 mb-2.5" />
Image placeholder #
To display image placeholder without text, use imgOnly
prop as seen in the following examples.
- Svelte
import { ImagePlaceholder } from 'flowbite-svelte';
<ImagePlaceholder />
<ImagePlaceholder imgHeight={60} class="mt-8" />
<ImagePlaceholder imgOnly class="mt-8" />
Video placeholder #
- Svelte
import { VideoPlaceholder } from 'flowbite-svelte';
<VideoPlaceholder />
<VideoPlaceholder size="md" class="mt-8" />
<VideoPlaceholder size="lg" class="mt-8" />
<VideoPlaceholder size="xl" class="mt-8" />
<VideoPlaceholder size="xxl" class="mt-8" />
Text placeholder #
- Svelte
import { TextPlaceholder } from 'flowbite-svelte';
<TextPlaceholder />
<TextPlaceholder size="md" class="mt-8" />
<TextPlaceholder size="lg" class="mt-8" />
<TextPlaceholder size="xl" class="mt-8" />
<TextPlaceholder size="xxl" class="mt-8" />
Card placeholder #
- Svelte
import { CardPlaceholder } from 'flowbite-svelte';
<CardPlaceholder />
<CardPlaceholder size="md" class="mt-8" />
<CardPlaceholder size="lg" class="mt-8" />
<CardPlaceholder size="xl" class="mt-8" />
<CardPlaceholder size="xxl" class="mt-8" />
Widget placeholder #
- Svelte
import { WidgetPlaceholder } from 'flowbite-svelte';
<WidgetPlaceholder />
List placeholder #
- Svelte
import { ListPlaceholder } from 'flowbite-svelte';
<ListPlaceholder />
Testimonial placeholder #
- Svelte
import { TestimonialPlaceholder } from 'flowbite-svelte';
<TestimonialPlaceholder />
Component data #
The component has the following props, type, and default values. See types page for type information.
CardPlaceholder styling #
- Use the
prop to overwritedivClass
ImagePlaceholder styling #
- Use the
prop to overwritedivClass
ListPlaceholder styling #
- Use the
prop to overwritedivClass
Skeleton styling #
- Use the
prop to overwritedivClass
TestimonialPlaceholder styling #
- Use the
prop to overwritedivClass
TextPlaceholder styling #
- Use the
prop to overwritedivClass
VideoPlaceholder styling #
- Use the
prop to overwritedivClass
WidgetPlaceholder styling #
- Use the
prop to overwritedivClass